Dealing with the storms of life

THIS showed up on my calendar as I prepared for work today.

The sweetest reminder of many lessons learnt over the years.

Helping my clients work through relationship challenges and build a life on new foundations of healthy and intimate relationships is something I am passionate about.

πŸ”— Quite often, it is in relationships that we get deeply hurt but it is also in relationships that we heal

πŸ”— As we start recalibrating our lives, we can decide who to trust and release ourselves from the pressure of giving too much in relationships that hurt more than help

πŸ”— Create healthy boundaries - respect and care for ourselves and for others around us

πŸ”— Invest time and effort in relationships that bring joy, care and other positive emotions

πŸ”— Work towards building relationships in which giving is as delightful as taking

πŸ”— Aim for fair levels of reciprocity

πŸ”— Learn to value people who help us with personal growth and encourage authenticity; who can be brave enough to be honest with us and also retain a level of respect we all deserve

πŸ”— Be able to accept and give feedback - be willing to understand each other’s needs and change where required

πŸ”— Create a culture of mutual respect

πŸ”— Agree on and uphold some commitments and values that you don’t let each other down on

πŸ”— Remember that all of the above is possible only after you develop a healthy relationship with your own self.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Offer to yourself the same regard, compassion and respect you expect from others. Offer to others the same regard and respect you expect for yourself.

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