Looking for happiness ?

“We just want bliss and happiness”

Many clients come to therapy looking for ‘techniques’ that can help them find bliss and happiness.

Whether in relationships or at an individual level, I feel that happiness is a decision and a choice we make.

🔗 In relationships, we can experience highs and lows on a day to day basis.

🔗 There will always be differences and incompatibility.

Happiness lies in acceptance of these differences and meeting each other midway

🔗 Once we start becoming more self-aware, we may come to realise that there may be many windows of opportunity where we can choose to be content and happy in our relationships.

👉🏼 Happiness is an intentionality, a daily decision, a choice. Not a goal or a destination.

👉🏼 Through therapy we can learn to harness the power of our choices toward a happier life.

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