Relational Conflicts and Misunderstandings

Many subconscious dynamics can play a role in creating distrust and conflict in relationships.

👉🏼 unhelpful assumptions based on past relationship experiences and fears of being hurt or abandoned

👉🏼 extended family systems that influence our current perceptions, thought - behaviour styles

👉🏼 making guesses about the other person and acting as if they are true

👉🏼 expecting the other person to read your mind and getting it right

These patterns can be very harmful and cause relationship breakdowns.

Here are some of the ways therapy can help:

🌈 highlight the harmful assumptions we could unknowingly be making

🌈 bring attention to the damaging impact of confirmation and cognitive biases

🌈 encourage self reflection and awareness

🌈 learn healthy communication skills for open and effective communication

🌈 help create a non judgemental and a safe space within the relationship

🌈 help assume the best in the other person rather than the worst

The sooner these issues are worked on the better the outcomes!

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Convincing your partner to go for couples therapy


Holding a mirror to yourself