Let’s talk about infidelity

Let’s talk about infidelity!

Infidelity / an affair breaks a sense of trust and safety in a relationship.

It can be a trauma.

Whatever the composition of the breach, emotional/physical/online, there is deep collateral damage that resonates through a system.

The victims of infidelity can develop psychological trauma responses like PTSD, depression, anxiety, fear and hyper vigilance. If children are involved, then they can be deeply impacted too.

It is normal to not be able to move forward from the devastating revelations without professional help. However, the journey to recovery is never linear and each couple has a different pace and style.

There are many structured and helpful ways in which trained and experienced psychotherapists can help make a difference not just for the partners but also those closely associated with them.

Not every relationship can be saved but with skilled guidance and support one can work for an amicable way forward.


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