I have friends, do I need a therapist?

When you feel stuck, lost and overwhelmed, it is best to seek therapy with a professional.

Here are some of the ways our education and training equips us to help you:

🌈 we offer a non judgemental space for you to feel heard and understood

🌈 unlike friends and family, therapists offer confidentiality, unbiased and objective perspectives

🌈 we offer dedicated time that is focussed on you - which friends and family may struggle to provide given other commitments

🌈 we can help you identify repetitive patterns in your life and provide tools to help break unhelpful cycles

🌈 we can help you regain power over your lives and improve your relationships

🌈 if some concerns and worries are bothering you - find a good therapist who is trained to work with issues such as yours

🌈 don’t let social stigma hold you back!

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Is there any benefit to conflict?


Convincing your partner to go for couples therapy